Getting Started
If you want to understand the governing principles behind LambdaCube 3D, you should consult the Conceptual Overview.
If you just want to see something running right away, we recommend checking out the online editor.
If you want to develop a Haskell application using LambdaCube 3D, just read on.
Hello world in Haskell
LambdaCube is available on Hackage, which should make it easy for Haskell developers to get things rolling. For the purpose of this guide we assume that you already have a working Haskell environment (GHC with cabal-install
) set up. It is best to start by installing the lambdacube-gl
package, which provides the Haskell OpenGL backend for LambdaCube 3D.
$ cabal install lambdacube-gl
Note that this step also installs lambdacube-ir
, which is the core library (IR stands for “intermediate representation”). This library provides the machinery to load compiled pipeline descriptions – a JSON based format – for use in the backend.
The lambdacube-gl
package contains a Hello World example to demonstrate the basic usage of the GL backend. To gain access to the example, we need to unpack the backend package:
$ cabal unpack lambdacube-gl
$ cd lambdacube-gl-[VERSION]/examples
Afterwards, we can run the example that executes the precompiled pipeline (hello.json
$ cabal install GLFW-b
$ ghc --make Hello
$ ./Hello

In order to turn LambdaCube 3D source files into JSON descriptions, we will also need lambdacube-compiler
$ cabal install lambdacube-compiler
The compiler package installs an executable called lc
and a library that exposes the same functionality. With the compiler present, we can produce the JSON description from the
source file also included in the example:
$ lc
When developing a LambdaCube 3D application, the recommended way of dealing with *.lc
files is to invoke the compiler as an external tool (which would be bundled with the application upon release), and load the resulting JSON pipeline description using the backend API.
As an alternative, it is also possible to access the compiler functionality through the library. This option is demonstrated in the second variant of the example, which directly reads the
pipeline source:
$ ghc --make HelloEmbedded
$ ./HelloEmbedded
Let’s have a closer look at the first Hello World variant. Below follows the full source of the example.
First we get the imports out of the way.
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports, LambdaCase, OverloadedStrings #-}
import "GLFW-b" Graphics.UI.GLFW as GLFW
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import LambdaCube.GL as LambdaCubeGL -- renderer
import LambdaCube.GL.Mesh as LambdaCubeGL
import Codec.Picture as Juicy
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString as SB
Then we start with the entry point of the program.
main :: IO ()
main = do
As a first step, we initialise the window using GLFW. This has to be done before accessing any GPU functionality.
win <- initWindow "LambdaCube 3D DSL Hello World" 640 640
Next, we define the shape of the input to the rendering pipeline as required by the backend. The schema is a pure data structure that lists the names and types of primitive streams (defObjectArray
) and uniforms (defUniforms
) that the pipeline can process. The names and types have to agree with those in the pipeline description (see
For the curious, the schema is a writer monad at heart, and do
notation is only used for convenience to easily merge different schema fragments.
let inputSchema = makeSchema $ do
defObjectArray "objects" Triangles $ do
"position" @: Attribute_V2F
"uv" @: Attribute_V2F
defUniforms $ do
"time" @: Float
"diffuseTexture" @: FTexture2D
Given the schema, we create a container that will hold the input to the pipeline at any given time. If we think of the pipeline as a pure function, this is the place that stores the argument for the next application.
storage <- LambdaCubeGL.allocStorage inputSchema
Now that we have the storage, we can populate it with the pipeline input. We have two triangles that form a square when put together (just to demonstrate the use of multiple meshes), and a texture.
LambdaCubeGL.uploadMeshToGPU triangleA >>= LambdaCubeGL.addMeshToObjectArray storage "objects" []
LambdaCubeGL.uploadMeshToGPU triangleB >>= LambdaCubeGL.addMeshToObjectArray storage "objects" []
Right img <- Juicy.readImage "logo.png"
textureData <- LambdaCubeGL.uploadTexture2DToGPU img
At this point we can load the pipeline itself. Note that the input data is independent of the pipeline itself, and the two can be freely swapped out separately.
Just pipelineDesc <- decodeStrict <$> SB.readFile "hello.json"
renderer <- LambdaCubeGL.allocRenderer pipelineDesc
All the building blocks are in place, but we still need to connect them. The setStorage
function associates the storage with the pipeline and checks that the two are compatible. If there is a schema mismatch, it returns the error message wrapped in Just
, otherwise it returns Nothing
. In the latter case we are ready to enter the rendering loop.
LambdaCubeGL.setStorage renderer storage >>= \case
Just err -> putStrLn err
Nothing -> loop
where loop = do
In this example our main loop is directly implemented in the IO monad. First we tell the pipeline the current dimensions of the window so it can configure the viewport.
(w, h) <- GLFW.getWindowSize win
LambdaCubeGL.setScreenSize storage (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h)
Afterwards, we update the input of the pipeline. In this case only uniforms need to be changed on every frame. Since the texture actually stays the same, we could have set diffuseTexture
just once in the beginning before starting the loop.
LambdaCubeGL.updateUniforms storage $ do
"diffuseTexture" @= return textureData
"time" @= do
Just t <- GLFW.getTime
return (realToFrac t :: Float)
Now that the input is properly set, we can render the frame. This is where we conceptually apply the pipeline function to the currently stored argument.
LambdaCubeGL.renderFrame renderer
GLFW.swapBuffers win
Finally, we check whether Escape is pressed and leave the loop if it is.
let keyIsPressed k = fmap (==KeyState'Pressed) $ GLFW.getKey win k
escape <- keyIsPressed Key'Escape
if escape then return () else loop
The only thing left is the final cleanup.
LambdaCubeGL.disposeRenderer renderer
LambdaCubeGL.disposeStorage storage
GLFW.destroyWindow win
After the main function we define the input geometry: two separate triangles. Both meshes have a position and a UV attribute defined for each vertex.
triangleA :: LambdaCubeGL.Mesh
triangleA = Mesh
{ mAttributes = Map.fromList
[ ("position", A_V2F $ V.fromList [V2 1 1, V2 1 (-1), V2 (-1) (-1)])
, ("uv", A_V2F $ V.fromList [V2 1 1, V2 0 1, V2 0 0])
, mPrimitive = P_Triangles
triangleB :: LambdaCubeGL.Mesh
triangleB = Mesh
{ mAttributes = Map.fromList
[ ("position", A_V2F $ V.fromList [V2 1 1, V2 (-1) (-1), V2 (-1) 1])
, ("uv", A_V2F $ V.fromList [V2 1 1, V2 0 0, V2 1 0])
, mPrimitive = P_Triangles
At the end we define the window initialising function, which is basically GLFW boilerplate.
initWindow :: String -> Int -> Int -> IO Window
initWindow title width height = do
mapM_ GLFW.windowHint
[ WindowHint'ContextVersionMajor 3
, WindowHint'ContextVersionMinor 3
, WindowHint'OpenGLProfile OpenGLProfile'Core
, WindowHint'OpenGLForwardCompat True
Just win <- GLFW.createWindow width height title Nothing Nothing
GLFW.makeContextCurrent $ Just win
return win
The hello pipeline starts with a dark blue background, and renders 2D triangle meshes by rotating them around the Z axis and applying a texture. For details on the building blocks of the pipeline you can refer to the Conceptual Overview.
makeFrame (time :: Float)
(texture :: Texture)
(prims :: PrimitiveStream Triangle (Vec 2 Float, Vec 2 Float))
= imageFrame ((emptyColorImage (V4 0 0 0.4 1)))
& mapPrimitives (\(p,uv) -> (rotMatrixZ time *. (V4 p%x p%y (-1) 1), uv))
& rasterizePrimitives (TriangleCtx CullNone PolygonFill NoOffset LastVertex) ((Smooth))
& mapFragments (\((uv)) -> ((texture2D (Sampler PointFilter MirroredRepeat texture) uv)))
& accumulateWith ((ColorOp NoBlending (V4 True True True True)))
main = renderFrame $
makeFrame (Uniform "time")
(Texture2DSlot "diffuseTexture")
(fetch "objects" (Attribute "position", Attribute "uv"))